
Christian~wife of 3 years~preschool teacher~dog mom~friend~smiler~and many other things!

Saturday, December 31, 2011


My 2011 consisted of 11 major things:

1) recovering from the most painful surgery I've ever had...just a tonsillectomy, but still! (I'll spare you the picture, it's not pretty...)
2) my first "big girl job" interviews

3) kicking into high gear with wedding plans (first time going to a bridal fair, first wedding shower, first time registering for gifts, etc..)

4) accepting my first teaching position!
5) experienced the happiest day of my life by stealing Kyle's last name!  May 21, 2011! 

ps-within a few months, all of my bridesmaids were blissfully married as well!

nothin like a family picture...lol

6) a honeymoon and my first cruise!
the Disney Dream!

7) moving into our first place together in Wichita
I actually took this as we were moving out of it because I forgot to take any when we moved in!

8) my 24th birthday! (and i forgot to take any pictures?! what?! haha)
9) the beginning of my first year of teaching
10) moving into our first house (those pics were just posted not long ago so I won't repeat them!)
11) our first holidays as a married couple (those were also posted a post or two ago..)

I know that there were more things that happened but those events stand out among the rest.  I could not have asked for a better year.  Getting married was something I've been waiting on for a long time and it happened in 2011!  The next step is getting ahead financially so that we can start planning on....BABIES!  But, unfortunately, that financial stability could still be a few years off so it might be a while!!

Enjoy your new year everyone!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I have a ton of stuff to blog about!

First, I want to ask for help from some of my blog expert friends.  How do you guys get the cute header designs?  I finally figured out how to get a new background through a design website but I'm not finding any header templates to use instead of my picture that I have.  Since I know so many bloggers have all the info on the creative designers and whatnot, I figured I should just ask!

We have moved into our new place and while it does have its little quirks, it is finally starting to feel like home.  I have pictures of the house from before we moved in but the proof that it's actually lived in will come later after I get it all decorated!  

I'm not proud of the exterior.  I think it looks ugly.  But the inside...

This is the living room!  Yep..hardwood floors!

The green kitchen!  It was an ugly color at first but it has grown on me quite a bit!

The spare bedroom.  Must have been a little boy's room previously!

The master bedroom!  I'm not a big fan of brown but I still like it!!

I also got my Christmas tree!

This was a new experience for both Kyle and me this year.  It was our first Christmas as a married couple!  We got to celebrate with both of our families and it was perfect!  
Christmas Eve at his mom's.

Our little family at my parents' house (minus Caya Ann!)

Hope your holiday was just as special as ours was!  Happy New Year to everyone!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

new residence!

My husband and I will be moving into our first house soon.  I say "our" but it's actually a rental.  But it's ours!  I'm not proud of the way the exterior looks.  I think my first words about the place were that it looked like "somewhere my grandma would live."  Kyle told me not to judge the place before we go inside and I doubted him.  He was right.  The inside is INCREDIBLE!  It's no dream house, but it's perfect for what we've been looking for!  It's in a good location, it's got great space for a married couple without kids, two bedrooms, a garage, and a huge yard for our puppies to romp and run in!  My biggest setback at the moment is the fact that we will be losing our U-VERSE.  We found out that it's not covered in the neighborhood.  I will have to find something else to do with my evenings I guess..

Maybe if we move quick enough, I can still get a Christmas tree?  Hmm...